Maddie’s Story is inspiring and reinforces our mission to change the future one child at a time. No matter the circumstances, we remain focused on the unique needs of each of our children. We need your help to prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Your support will help with full-time housing, clothing, meals, supplies, transportation, and much more for the children at each of our five campuses. Thank you!

I am 16 years old, and I have lived at Cherokee Estate for three years. Before coming here, my life was difficult, and I had a challenging time fitting in. Since I have been at Cherokee, my life has changed for the better.

When I first came to Cherokee, I was still struggling. As time has passed, I have grown into a very independent person. Since I am still in school, there is a little more time to plan, but I would like to join the Air Force or the Navy.

I know the staff here will always support me.

Thank you again for giving me the opportunities I would never have had.

Thank you to everyone involved in my life at the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes for everything you have done and for providing so many opportunities for me.

You have always supported me and shown me what family is supposed to be, and loved me like I was your own.

— Maddie

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