Taylor Green

My name is Taylor and I have lived at the Boys Ranch for five years. I am the only one in my family to graduate from high school and that makes me proud. When I lived at home, I went through some hard times. Living at the Boys Ranch has helped me feel better about myself. I am thankful for all the support that has been given to me. I also appreciate the sheriff’s office for bringing me to the Boys Ranch where I am safe.

I have been given many opportunities since I came to the Boys Ranch. I went to the Special Olympics three years where I played different sports. I went on several trips with my cottage, including Universal Studios, River Aquarium in Albany, Savannah, Wild Adventures and Jekyll Island. These are things that I never would have been able to do without your support.

I also enjoy the annual Christmas parties, Classic Car Club events and visits from the churches. These events have showed me that other people care about me.

I want to thank Mr. Shaun for always making me feel supported and the fact that he understands me. Ms. Traci always listens to me, and I can tell her anything. Ms. Angela and Mr. Darron make sure that I go to all of my appointments and events. Mrs. Ambrosia and Mr. Fred are the best house parents ever! They have helped me cope with school and family. Ms. Jobeth is like my grandma! She plays board and card games with us.

Thank you to all the sheriffs and supporters for giving me the best life ever!

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