Karen Ceto

The journey for foster children does not start the moment we enter foster care. For some it begins years before, for others only months. The journey consists of a culmination of hurdles, frustrations, and struggles, but also the love and support we receive from those we make connections with. All of this contributes to the people we become. In order to truly understand the enormous impact that Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes has had on my life, we must start at the beginning of my journey. My name is Karen and when I was 14 years old, I traveled alone from my country of origin, Guatemala, to the United States. Due to family discord,
I was forced to leave, and my only option was to travel to the United States in hopes of finding a safe place and to continue my education.

In October 2018 I left home for America. It was a long and arduous 10-day journey that consisted of many stops. The reason why I traveled so far, knowing everything that I would face along the way and the changes that would occur by living in another country, is because I wanted a better life for myself. Unfortunately, when I arrived here in the United States, I had to live with an abusive relative with whom I suffered greatly. For that reason, I came to live at Cherokee Estate.

The Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes has done a lot for me, and if I made a list, I’m sure it wouldn’t end. During these five years, Cherokee has provided me with counseling to overcome my traumas. They helped me learn the language, since when I came into their care I didn’t speak any English. When I turned 17, they gave me the opportunity to move to a transitional living cottage where
I learned to be independent. In addition, they helped me find a job and apply for scholarships, of which five were awarded to me. Cherokee Estate also made one of my dreams come true: I went on a school trip this year, to Washington, DC and New York. I cannot be more grateful to my house parents, staff and especially to the Director, Ms. Nikita Jordan, since she has believed in me and my potential. For me, Cherokee Estate is my family and wherever I go I will have their love and support.

Now, I am preparing to continue with my education at Dalton State College because I believe it will be the best place to acquire new skills, explore my potential, and expand my horizons. My goal is to be able to study and pursue a career in medicine. I hope someday to be able to help a lot of people live a better quality of life. From a small child to an older adult, I want everyone to be able to do their normal activities again and feel capable of doing something. My dream has always been to make a difference in the world of health science and to help others see the possibilities of their futures, even when all they can currently see are the barriers to their dreams.

I know this would not be possible without the help of each of you. Thank you sheriffs, donors, members of any contributing institution, and to anyone who has supported Cherokee Estate and the other Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. Thank you very much for your unconditional support, your prayers and your hard work. God bless you all and your families.

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