“Spring has sprung” around the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. The flowers are blooming, the gardens are planted, the fish are biting pretty well (when we get a chance to go), and thoughts are turning to summer. But before we get to the dog days of summer, there are a few more things that our children here must accomplish. Often we look at this time of year as a time for new beginnings, such as what we see in nature. However, it is also a time to look back, recognize and celebrate the achievements of our children here at the Youth Homes.
Most obvious—and most important, in my opinion—are the academic achievements of our children. Educating our children is, of course, a priority of the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. We have tutoring programs on all five of our campuses to help all our children maximize their academic potential. Often our children come to us behind academically. With the support of our staff, most of them improve with their studies and, if given enough time in our program, can graduate from high school. You will meet our 2022 graduates in this edition of The Georgia Sheriff. We are very proud of our children for this wonderful accomplishment.
One of the many things that sets us apart from most childcare providers in Georgia is that once our children graduate from high school, we will support them in pursuing a secondary education, whether that is at a community college, trade school or a four-year university program. We will help them, guide them and ensure that all expenses are covered so that if they will do the work, they will graduate in the field of their choice debt free. This is such an advantage for our children, and it would not be possible without the dedicated support of our sheriffs and people like you!
As we take some time to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our children over the past year, we also look forward to the future. We will help the children who come to us reach their potential. For this to happen, we will continue to rely on the support of the sheriffs and our contributors. I have found that this combination of dedicated individuals can make a great team that creates the type of environment that is synonymous with the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes over the past sixty-plus years. I know that with this team, we can be positioned well now and in the future to continue to provide the love, support and opportunity that our children deserve.

Shaun Eilders
Director of Child Care and Boys Ranch Resident Director