
I would like to thank everyone at the Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes and Georgia Sheriffs’ Association for the privilege to stay at Herrington Homestead for the past eight years. I came into foster care at the age of eleven. I was scared and didn’t know what foster care was or why I was even in care. Upon entering Frank Cottage I was greeted by two house parents, Ms. Emma and Mr. Vann. These house parents raised me for five years. They taught me how to be a responsible young man and they loved and cared for me like I was their child.

My first year at Herrington Homestead was the hardest year of my life. I had to adjust to a whole new place surrounded by people I didn’t know. As time went on, they showed me how good people can be. They have provided so much for me for a long time, and I know I wouldn’t have achieved any of this without them.

After high school graduation I will be attending Georgia Southwestern University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice to become a detective.

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