Reyna-Youth of the Year Cherokee Estate

My name is Reyna, and I am eighteen years old. My father died when I was seven years old, leaving my mother to care for my brothers and me. Since the death of my father, the only thing I have wanted in recent years is for him to be with us again so that he could see all the good things I have achieved. Even without him my mother helped us, and all of my achievements are dedicated to my mother and father.

I am from Guatemala, but I came to the United States when I was fifteen years old. I came here with one of my brothers in order to have a better future, but sometimes life has different plans for us. I arrived at Cherokee Estate on October 31, 2020, where they have given me affection and love that sometimes I did not receive from my own family. Since I have lived at Cherokee Estate, I have learned to move forward and overcome all the things that have happened to me.

Next year, I will finish my senior year of high school and graduate in 2023. My favorite hobbies are watching movies, listening to music and helping others. My favorite sport is soccer because I like to spend time with my friends.

Thanks to Cherokee Estate, I have had the opportunity to study and continue learning the English language. Most importantly, they have given me a safe, loving home, and I thank God that He led me to the people who have supported me all this time. Thank you for supporting me, and thank you for the opportunity to tell a little about my life at Cherokee Estate.

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